
来源:http://www.jnjdbc.cn/ 日期:2022-12-31 发布人:admin
苯氧化为顺酐是在催化剂存在下进行的。常用催化剂的活性组分均为钒的氧化物(见金属氧化物催化剂),为抑制苯被完全氧化,常加入钼、磷、钛、钨、银及碱金属等元素的氧化物为添加剂,并采用低比表面的惰性物质为催化剂载体,如 α-氧化铝、刚玉等。反应在常压下进行,温度350~400℃。工艺过程由苯的氧化,顺酐的分离和提纯两大部分组成(见图)。苯蒸气和空气能形成爆炸混合物,所以进入反应器的混合气中,苯的浓度应在爆炸极限之外,一般为1%~1.4%(摩尔)。苯氧化为强放热反应,工业上常采用列管式固定床反应器,有很大的传热面,管外为冷却系统,反应热可用于产生高压蒸汽。离开反应器的气体中含顺酐约1%(摩尔),用冷却的办法可将其中所含一半左右的顺酐冷凝为液体,其余部分则用吸收法回收。吸收剂用水或惰性有机溶剂,大多数工厂采用的是水。所得到的吸收液是顺丁烯二酸的水溶液,浓度35%~40%(质量),需用共沸溶剂(例如二甲苯、苯甲醚)进行脱水,把酸重新转化成酸酐。脱水也可在膜式蒸发器中进行。粗酐经减压精馏可得成品。以苯计算,整个过程的顺酐收率为92%~96%(质量)。
Benzene is oxidized to maleic anhydride in the presence of catalyst. The active components of commonly used catalysts are vanadium oxides (see metal oxide catalysts). To prevent benzene from being completely oxidized, oxides of molybdenum, phosphorus, titanium, tungsten, silver and alkali metals are often added as additives, and inert substances with low specific surface area are used as catalyst supports, such as α- Aluminum oxide, corundum, etc. The reaction is carried out under normal pressure at 350~400 ℃. The process consists of oxidation of benzene, separation and purification of maleic anhydride (see figure). Benzene vapor and air can form explosive mixture, so the concentration of benzene in the mixed gas entering the reactor should be beyond the explosion limit, generally 1%~1.4% (mole). Benzene oxidation is a strong exothermic reaction. Tubular fixed bed reactors are often used in industry. They have a large heat transfer surface. Outside the tubes, there is a cooling system. The reaction heat can be used to generate high-pressure steam. The gas leaving the reactor contains about 1% (mole) of maleic anhydride. About half of the maleic anhydride can be condensed into liquid by cooling, and the rest can be recovered by absorption. Absorbent water or inert organic solvent, most factories use water. The absorption solution obtained is an aqueous solution of maleic acid with a concentration of 35%~40% (mass). Azeotropic solvents (such as xylene and anisole) are required for dehydration to convert the acid back to anhydride. Dehydration can also be carried out in a membrane evaporator. Crude anhydride can be obtained by vacuum distillation. The yield of maleic anhydride in the whole process is 92%~96% (mass) calculated by benzene.

C4 hydrocarbon oxidation method
Both n-butane and butene contain the same number of carbon atoms as maleic anhydride. They are ideal raw materials for the production of maleic anhydride. Since the price of n-butane is lower than other raw materials, it is more advantageous to use n-butane. The process is basically the same as that of benzene oxidation. The catalyst is vanadium phosphorus oxygen system, and the additives are oxides of iron, lead, zinc, copper, antimony and other elements. Fixed bed reactor or fluidized bed reactor can be used, and the reaction temperature is about 400 ℃. The concentration of n-butane in the n-butane air mixture is 1.0% ~ 1.6% (mole). The yield of maleic anhydride in the whole process is about 50% based on n-butane. Due to the low selectivity of C4 hydrocarbon oxidation, the equipment investment is higher than that when benzene is used as raw material, and partial condensation cannot be used for post-processing. Instead, all maleic anhydride in the reaction gas must be recovered by absorption method, so as to increase energy consumption. However, n-butane is cheaper than benzene, and benzene is more toxic. Therefore, it is attractive to use n-butane as the raw material. The improvement of the catalyst used in this method is being vigorously carried out in various countries.
The above is a detailed introduction of refined naphthalene manufacturers, and we hope it will be helpful to you. If you have any questions, please contact us. We will provide services for you with our attitude http://www.jnjdbc.cn
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