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热门关键词: 精萘 精萘厂家 甲酸








来源:http://www.jnjdbc.cn/ 日期:2023-10-10 发布人:admin
精萘的水溶性较小,而且不易被吸收,故其毒性不太强。 吸入浓的萘蒸气或萘粉末时,能促使人呕吐,不适,头痛。 特别是损害眼角膜,引起小水泡及点状浑浊,还能使皮肤发炎,有时还能引起肺的病理改变,还可损害肾脏,引起血尿,但没有致癌性。
Refined naphthalene has low water solubility and is not easily absorbed, so its toxicity is not very strong. Inhaling concentrated naphthalene vapor or naphthalene powder can cause vomiting, discomfort, and headaches. Especially damaging the cornea, causing small blisters and punctate turbidity, can also cause skin inflammation, and sometimes pathological changes in the lungs. It can also damage the kidneys and cause hematuria, but it is not carcinogenic.
食入: 饮足量温水,催吐.就医. 第五部分:消防措施 回目录 危险特性: 遇明火高热易燃.燃烧时放出有毒的刺激性烟雾.与强氧化剂如盐和等接触,能发生强烈反应,引起燃烧或爆炸.粉体与空气可形成爆炸性混合物, 当达到一定浓度时, 遇火星会
Ingestion: Drink plenty of warm water, induce vomiting, seek medical attention. Part 5: Fire protection measures. List of hazards. Characteristics: When exposed to open flames, high heat and flammability can cause toxic and irritating smoke during combustion. When in contact with strong oxidizing agents such as salt, it can react strongly and cause combustion or explosion. Powder and air can form an explosive mixture, and when reaching a certain concentration, it can cause sparks
Synthetic camphor pills, however, contain the sixth class of chemical camphor in the country, including para - and naphthalene camphor. They have a pungent taste and are toxic to the liver and blood. Due to the low cost of synthesizing camphor balls, more than 80% of the camphor balls currently sold on the market contain varying degrees of naphthalene or terpene.
毒理和相似,而且是更强的腐蚀剂。 对皮肤有强烈刺激作用。 易于经皮肤吸收。 对血液循环和肾脏有毒害作用。 此外,还能引起眼角膜损伤。
Toxicity is similar, and it is a stronger corrosive agent. Has a strong irritating effect on the skin. Easy to absorb through the skin. It has toxic effects on blood circulation and kidneys. In addition, it can also cause corneal damage.
萘及萘酚衍生物,具有一定毒性。 人们如果长期吸入含有萘蒸气的空气,可引起无力头痛食欲减退恶心等反应。 对二,属于有毒性的挥发性有机化合物。
Naphthalene and its derivatives have certain toxicity. If people inhale air containing naphthalene vapor for a long time, it can cause reactions such as weakness, headache, decreased appetite, nausea, etc. Yes, it belongs to toxic volatile organic compounds.

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