●危险货物分类及编号 易燃固体,其编号是:41511。
Classification and number of dangerous goods: Flammable solid, with the number 41511.
●理化特性 白色或灰色晶状块或粉末,具有特殊持久的气味,粗萘含不纯物,呈灰 棕色,有焦油臭味,易挥发,并易升华,不溶于水。相对密度:1.162;闪点: 78.89℃;熔点:80.1℃;爆炸极限:下限2.5g/m3(粉尘);0.9%~59%(蒸 气)。刺激皮肤,能引起皮肤湿疹,遇火、高温、氧化剂有导致火灾危 险。
● Physical and chemical properties: White or gray crystalline blocks or powders with a special and persistent odor. Coarse naphthalene contains impurities and is grayish brown in color, with a tar odor. It is volatile and prone to sublimation, and insoluble in water. Relative density: 1.162; Flash point: 78.89 ℃; Melting point: 80.1 ℃; Explosion limit: lower limit of 2.5g/m3 (dust); 0.9% to 59% (vapor). Irritating to the skin can cause eczema, and exposure to fire, high temperature, and oxidants can lead to fire hazards.
●灭火方法 二氧化碳、砂土、雾状水,切勿将水流直接喷射至溶融物,以免引起严重 的流淌火灾或引起剧烈的沸溅。
● Fire extinguishing methods include carbon dioxide, sand, and misty water. Do not spray water directly onto the melt to prevent serious flowing fires or violent boiling splashes.
●储运须知 包装标志:易燃固体。 包装类别: Ⅱ。 包装方法:编织袋或纸袋内塑料袋。
Storage and transportation instructions: Packaging mark: flammable solid. Packaging category: II. Packaging method: woven bags or plastic bags inside paper bags.
●急救措施 皮肤接触:脱去被污染的衣着,用肥皂水和清水彻底冲洗皮肤。 眼睛接触:提起眼睑,用流动清水或生理盐水冲洗,
Emergency measures for skin contact: Remove contaminated clothing and thoroughly rinse the skin with soap and water. Eye contact: Lift the eyelids and rinse with flowing water or physiological saline,
This article is a friendly contribution from a refined naphthalene manufacturer. For more information, please click: http://www.jnjdbc.cn Sincere attitude. We will provide you with comprehensive service. We will gradually contribute more relevant knowledge to everyone. Stay tuned
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